WHAT IS AN INDIE CHRISTIAN WRITER? Indie stands for Independent. The newest trend (or perhaps not so new) in publishing is the Independent Author who takes matters of publication into their own hands. Unfortunately, mainstream publishing companies are becoming harder and harder to sign with. Many do not accept unrepresented authors or unsolicited manuscripts. Without a touch of luck and never-ending patience a writer may never become one of the few new authors to sign a contract with the "Big Boys."
But with determination and drive the Independent author can get help or go it alone to Self-Publish. Self-Publishing presents its own challenges and rewards, but with the help and support of other writers, small presses and independent publishers, and editors, publishing a book has never been more accessible.
Indie Christian Writers are the authors, poets, playwrights,and screenwriters whose works encompass a Christian Worldview. The gamut of Christian literature and literary arts is as wide, unique, and varied as we are. It includes everything from fantasy to history, plays to poetry, drama to comedy, and everything in between.
If you are a writer, an aspiring writer, or know someone who is, check out our conference coming in the Spring 2016. Everyone needs in-service training, support, and encouragement. This is the conference designed especially for you! Meet and learn from seasoned professionals, receive the necessary tools and tips of the trade while networking with other writers just like you!
~~Ginger Galloway
The Temecula Valley Indie Christian Writers Conference is hosted by Ink and Keys
If you would like to register you may do so here: http://ow.ly/Q0vpR
Go to our 2 cents Campaigns page to see how you can help with scholarships.
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